Half-Mind.com Catalog Half-Mind - Hash License Plates

Hasher License Plates

Have you seen any of these license plates on the road?

Can you identify who they belong to?

Have you seen any other Hasher License Plates? Send in a photo with Hash Name and Hash Kennel of the owner to add to the collection to Ra, email: matthew@kleinosky.com

Hasher: Dirtbag
Kennel: Halve Mein HHH

Hasher: ?????
Kennel: ????

Hasher: Corrigan
Kennel: Tenessee

Hasher: Palms 13:15
Kennel: Knuckledraggers H3 and Waukesha H3

Hasher: Corrigan
Kennel: Tenessee

Hasher: Corrigan
Kennel: Guam in Nashville!

Hasher: Honey Bush
Kennel: Vilnius H3 Lithuania

Hasher: Corrigan
Kennel: Oregon

Hasher: Black Widow
Kennel: Oakville H3 (Ontario)

Hasher: Coppertone Bone
Kennel: San Diego H3
Name: Kennels:

Hasher: Walt "I-Feel Tower" Moore
Kennel: Titanic Memorial Full Moon & Big Hump H3
Also pictured: All of Titanic's "religious articles"

Hasher: Walt "I-Feel Tower" Moore
Kennel: Titanic Memorial Full Moon & Big Hump H3
Just the plate ...
Hasher: ?
Kennel: ?

Hasher: Mad Dog
Kennel: Maryland Dirt Road,
The Balimore-Annapolis,
and the DCH3 (men's)
Hasher: Flying Booger
Kennel: Las Vegas Resur-Erection H3

Hasher: ?
Kennel: ?

Hasher: ?
Kennel: ?

Hasher: Alouette
Kennel: Long Beach HHH

Hasher: Tu Tu Fairy
Kennel: Nittany Valley PA (PA)

Hasher: Hazukashii
Kennel: while Over the Hump H3

Hasher: Hazukashii
Kennel: while Tidewater H3

Hasher: Knave's Bitch
Kennel: FWB KnuckleDraggers H3

Hasher: Flaming Asshole
Kennel: Reading H3

Hasher: KY
Kennel: Harrisburg Hershey H3

Hasher: ///
Kennel: //

Hasher: Sheep Humper
Kennel: Cedar Falls H3
Car Deceased!

Hasher: Bionic Fluffer
Kennel: Tidewater H3

Hasher: Who Said Head?
Kennel: California Larrikins H3

Hasher: Chlorine Will Kill Everything
Kennel: So Happy It's Tuesday H3

Hasher: She Mussel Bitch
Kennel: Austin H3

Hasher: TAF
Kennel: Austin H3 (Plate retired?)

Hasher: Laa-Laa
Kennel: Tidewater H3

Hasher: TnT
Kennel: Pheonix H3

Hasher: Honeybush

Hasher: Tequila Sunset

Hasher: Black Widow
Kennel: Oakville H3 (Ontario)

Hasher: Tequila Sunset
Kennel: Kuwai

Hasher: Hindlick
Kennel: San Diego H3

Hasher: ready for your plate

Hasher: ready for yours